Mercedes-AMG.GLC 63S Showcase and GLC 43 Test Drive Event


The wild and luxurious appeal of the Wandering Walls perfectly complemented the Mercedes-AMG GLC 63 S E PERFORMANCE Coupé. Mercedes-Benz Taiwan specifically chose the Wandering Walls for a four-day media test drive event. Besides providing accommodation, we tailored dinners infused with natural wild elements as requested by Mercedes-Benz, offering media guests an unprecedented experience of wild luxury.




Over a month before check-in, Taiwan Mercedes-Benz staff visited the Wandering Walls for on-site inspections. Discussions covered placement of exhibition vehicles, venue arrangements, dinner themes, and details for afternoon tea setups. Given the Wandering Walls’ pristine natural setting aligning perfectly with the imagery of the GLC 63 and 43, adjustments were minimal. Our primary focus was ensuring an exceptional dinner experience.

Event Highlights

The event commenced in Kaohsiung, where media picked up the GLC 43 at noon and drove south towards the Wandering Walls. Originally, it’s a two-hour journey. Media arrived around 5 to 6 PM due to test drives and filming stops. The dedicated media even continued capturing scenes immediately upon arrival, enthralled by the breathtaking mountain and sea views in front of the Wandering Walls architecture.

前往海景第一排  GLE 63與灣臥  

專業的攝影團隊  GLC 43出沒  GLC 43出沒


Before sunset, Mercedes-Benz staff led media outdoors to a vast grassland to showcase the Mercedes-AMG GLC 63 S E PERFORMANCE Coupé, capturing images against the Wandering Walls architectural backdrop as the golden hues of dusk set in. Returning to the lobby, outdoor sofas were set ablaze, signaling the start of an exciting dinner event.

GLC 63 野性灣臥

Mercedes-AMG GLC 63 S E PERFORMANCE Coupé簡報

Before the dinner, Taiwan Mercedes-Benz prepared a presentation on the Mercedes-AMG GLC 63 S E PERFORMANCE Coupé, accompanied by carefully selected afternoon tea and beverages from the Wandering Walls. Professionals detailed the vehicle’s cutting-edge performance inspired by Formula 1 racing technology.


Dinner commenced fittingly with a wild BBQ theme, using primitive campfire methods and locally sourced ingredients including fresh seafood, creating a dining experience that epitomized freshness amidst natural wilderness.


晚餐牛肉串 晚餐生菜沙拉 晚餐前菜

The following morning, after enjoying breakfast at the Wandering Walls, media embarked on the return journey to Kaohsiung with the GLC 43, paving the way for the next group of media to embark on their journey to Taiwan’s southernmost point.

賓至如歸灣臥 世界百大建築

Media Feedback

For media accustomed to numerous test drive events, this occasion stood out. Previous events hosted by major car manufacturers had taken them to luxury accommodations in Taiwan. Before checking out, conversations with media revealed their deeply impressed impressions of the stay, particularly highlighting the Wandering Walls spacious grounds amidst such a hidden gem, its unique architecture, personalized hospitality, service emphasis, and meticulous equipment details. Staying at the Wandering Walls was a departure from typical luxury accommodations, marking a perfect conclusion to this event.

Finally, we appreciate Mercedes-Benz Taiwan, the PR and event management teams, whose collaboration ensured a memorable experience for all at the Wandering Walls.

The Media Testing Driving Reports

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